Sunday, July 31, 2011

ocean waves.

the beaches here in new york are a lot like the city... loud and busy.  nonetheless, i find peace and relaxation every time i go.  i seem to block out everything else and just listen to the waves... it's the best sound in the world :)  i'm sure going to miss being so close to the ocean, guess that means i better get planning the next vacation!  i most definitely won't miss the sunburn that i seem to get EVERY time! :(  i don't understand! i put sunscreen on twice and still burn!  i've come to the conclusion that i need a different sunscreen... give it a whirl anyways.  after that, i came home, had a nice cold shower and went to a movie with the girls.  we tried going to crazy, stupid love but it was sold out so we went to snow flower and the secret fan.  it was one of those indie type films.. it was about 2 chinese girls and that's about all i can tell you about it.  that's how interested i was in it :) haha!

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