Sunday, September 4, 2011

hurricane irene.

i can now check "surviving a hurricane" off my bucket list.  not that it was ever there in the first place...  there hasn't been a hurricane in nyc for about 40 years and it just so happened that the weekend my mom was supposed to come and my last weekend there, irene decided to make her way all the way along the eastern coast, including, nyc.  friday my roommates and i were trying to get as much "food storage" as we could.  we got some water and some non perishables and we looked freaking everywhere for a flashlight but they were all sold out.  note to self: the next hurricane i'm in, don't wait til the last minute to prepare :)  mother got in at about 10 on friday and then we had until noon on saturday, before the entire city shut down.  no subways, no buses, no businesses open.... NOTHING.  so we woke up saturday morning and decided to walk through central park.  there seemed to be a few people wandering around but for the most part nyc was pretty desolate.  we grabbed a calzone from about the only little restaurant open and by noon, we were home and hunkered down for this storm to pass.  wellllll... our cable happened to not be working and we didn't have a dvd player so all we could do was track the storm online and listen to press releases.  after about half a day of that we all were realllllly bored.  the storm hit at about 9 sunday morning.  it wasn't as bad as they were expecting and we were too high up to get hit too hard but the lower end did have some flooding so still, no subways.  by monday morning, HALLELUJAH! the subways were up and running.  thank you to the nyc workers for all their hard work at getting everything cleaned up as soon as possible :)

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