Friday, July 29, 2011

mermaid ice cream and pizza.

well i had ice cream twice in one day... i didn't mean to, i swear!  and technically i only had ice cream once, the other was gelato and those are two VERY different things :)  i woke up, went to cycling, stopped at a little italian donut/gelato shop on my way to get groceries and got a pesca/fragola (peach/strawberry) gelato cone, came home, took a nap and checked twitter.  well the big gay ice cream truck had tweeted that he had mermaids!  mind you, they only have them on special occasion and who knows if he would have it again before i left... hmm... sure wish i had seen that before i got my gelato but what the heck, i gotta try the mermaid ice cream!  i somehow knew that if i painted my nails "mermaid tears" and wore my starfish necklace, the mermaid goddesses would sense me and call out to the ice cream truck and tell them that i needed some ice cream. (key lime custard/ graham cracker/whipped cream/vanilla ice cream)  it was fantastic!  well worth the almost 30 min. line i stood in to get it.  i sat in union square and enjoyed my mermaid and watched some guys draw a beautiful picture with chalk on the sidewalk.  then, for dinner i had wanted to go to this place called, artichoke.  i got down into the subway and saw that the train was about to leave so i just hurried and hopped on, only to find out that it was the wrong way.  no big deal, it only went 2 blocks or so.. i'll just walk back to where i first got on and get on the right train this time.  wrong!  when you have an unlimited pass, it won't let you swipe for 18 mins.  so i waited for a minute, got impatient and decided to walk to the next stop. ps i somehow missed the actual next stop. here's a map so you can all understand how far i walked
ok, so i started at 14st. union square (middle of yellow, green, gray), i then got on the L (gray) the wrong way to 3rd. ave. so basically i walked the L line from 3rd to 8th ave. and for some reason thought that artichoke was somewhere near that stop but ended up walking the A (blue) line from 14th/8 ave. down to w4 (blue, orange) long walk short, i walked a looong ways for this pizza.  which turned out to be this big!:
man! was i glad that i walked a 100 miles to get a slice that couldn't even fit on ONE plate!  i got the artichoke slice (artichoke/spinach/cream sauce/mozzarella/pecorino romano cheese) it definitely wasn't the best pizza i've ever had but after exhausting myself, anything would've tasted good :)
pretty sidewalk picture
no idea what this is.. to me it's a giant wand! :) i stared at it while waiting for my 18 mins to expire...

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