Sunday, August 7, 2011

tea time.

krash and i went and had afternoon tea at a place called tea and sympathy.  it was such a cute little place that is owned by a feisty little brit.  there is a list of rules on the front door and they are not to be broken!  we got the tea for 2 which came with 2 teas, finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream (best thing ever!) and jam, and 3 different desserts, victoria sandwich cake, sticky toffee pudding and a lemon/almond tarte.  it was so much fun!  now i'm dying for a tea set :)

after we were STUFFED to the brim we decided to go down to the farmers market on the pier.  i got me some beautiful peaches and just walked around the pier for a bit.  the view was great and the smell of the ocean... i just love it :)

having KRash here was so much fun!  i was sure sad to see her go and wanted so badly to be in her suitcase :)

kingda ka.

worlds tallest (456 ft.) and north america's fastest (0-128 mph in 3.5 secs)... 'nuff said.
hahahahahahaha! KRash's face is priceless!!

annnnd this is what i looked like when i got off that ride.  my shirt was half way off, my bobby pin was loooong gone and somehow the lens in my glasses managed to fall out.  i have NO clue how that happened because i wasn't even wearing them but luckily i found the lens in my shirt :)  the rest of the day was a whole lotta fun too.  i love roller coasters!  another of my favorite ride was nitro, it was probably the best roller coasted i've ever been on.. quite simple, no twists, turns, or upside downers.  superman was fun because you were situated on your belly so it felt like superman flying but man, was that the longest line in america!  we waited for almost 2 hours.  then i topped the night off with a good ol funnel cake :)  since six flags was in new joisy, we had to take the nj train in and then lawrence (christi's date) picked us up at the train stop.  it felt so good to be out of the city and to be in an actual car!  haha!  we had a fun ride there too, lawrence was taking us on quite the car ride... i think maybe he was warming us up for kingda ka.  on the way home, i crashed as soon as i got to the car, crashed as soon as we got on the train and when we got to the last stop all i heard was "last stop, everybody off, everybody get OFF the train."  i jumped up and was out of that train in no longer than 2 seconds.  it was one of those moments where you wake up and forget where you are and what you're supposed to be doing.. then we STILL had another hour subway train home!  needless to say, i was reeeeealllllly tired today...

museums, tacos and chocolate overload.

kirsten wanted to go to the alexander mcqueen exhibit and i hadn't been to any museums yet so we decided to go while she was visiting.  we waited in line for an HOUR to even get into the museum, only to find out that they had temporarily closed the exhibit because they had exceeded capacity and they didn't know when they would reopen because they just had to wait until people started leaving.  basically, it would be hours upon hours for us to get in so we decided to walk around and look at other stuff in the museum.  i'm not a huge museum fan, apparently... i got bored really fast.  not that it's not interesting or anything but all i really wanted to see were these:

i'm completely fascinated by them.  i would give anything just to try them on and TRY to walk in them :)  after walking around a humongous museum for a while, we worked up our appetite and so i took kirsten to my fave, cascabel for some delish tacos.  they were amazing as usual and kirsten loved them too.  then we walked along central park and thru and relaxed on a bunch for a bit before i had to go to work.  after work we met heather at max brenner.  this is a restaurant that uses chocolate on everything.  it's been featured on the best thing i ever ate... pizza, for their chocolate pizza.  the food was really super good, i got a black sesame crusted salmon and veggies, we got a side of waffle cut fries sprinkled with paprika and cocoa powder and then it also comes with a side or chocolate ranch.  sounds weird, but it was actually really good, the chocolate was very subtle.  then dessert was a huge disappointment :(  i of course got the chocolate pizza, heather got a s'mores sundae and kirsten got crispy chocolate egg rolls.  the chocolate itself was really good, as for the rest... wahwah...
chocolate pizza "sauce", marshmallow "cheese", hazelnuts and drizzle of pb
me and KRash (kirsten rash)
hets and her delicious looking but not tasting sundae
so we tried to make our own concoction and added all of our desserts together.. we ended up with one disgusting looking mess


kirsten, heather and i went to mary poppins on broadway.  it was so much fun, i just looooved it!

soul, baby.

i've always heard people raving about soul food and chicken and waffles and i've always been so confused by it so i decided to give it a whirl.  the verdict? i'm still confused...  i'm not entirely sure how the whole idea came about but apparently it originated somewhere in the south.. go figure.  if it's deep fried, it must be from the south :)  i went to buttermilk channel because i had heard rave reviews on the place.  the chicken was really good, other than the bones and veins and thangs that i don't like dealing with on chicken.. the cheddar waffles were so so and i'm not a a huge coleslaw fan.  dessert was a mini pecan pie sundae and that was yum